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Self - help is there for anyone!
For every age and every culture!


Would you like to get in touch with people of your own or other cultures, to share your thoughts about things you have in common or to pursue different interests eg. cooking, painting, singing, dancing?

Would you like to organize outings or sporting activities together with others eg. football, cricket, volleyball, jogging, yoga?

Do you or a close friend need help with a physical or psychological illness?
Would you like to find out how people cope with the same illness and share your experience with others?

In self-help groups, people with the same issues meet on a regular basis to talk about their situation and their experience.

They share information in order to help each other. This helps to change and improve your own life circumstances!


In and around Rosenheim there are about 120 self-help groups in 60 different areas.

Talking openly in groups can help in problems such as isolation and integration, separation and divorce. We can also support each other in topics related to physical and mental health issues, such as depression, fear or eating disorders, cancer or diabetes, disabilities or addiction. The group members are shown different ways in which they can deal with a difficult situation more easily.


In self-help groups, confidentiality is an important requirement for all members.

If you prefer, you can remain anonymous or just use your first name.


You can take part in an existing group.

If the German language is difficult for you, we can organize an interpreter free of charge.

You can also set up a new group!

For more information, please contact:

Selbsthilfekontaktstelle Rosenheim-SekoRo


Olga Nickel

Kultursensible Selbsthilfe


Kufsteiner Straße 55

83022 Rosenheim


Phone: 08031-356 28 10



Kufsteiner Straße 55

83022 Rosenheim


Phone: (08031) 3562810, (0178) 1127676